Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cheap Thrills

What a cute new application!

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 things.

That stupid thing on Facebook. Good gracious do I hate it. But, here's the first 25 (or so) things that come to mind RIGHT NOW. No edits.


2. I will never ever be the "other" again. Apparently it's something I'm getting incredibly good at, but that needs to stop. Yesterday.

3. It's really late, and I have rehearsal at 8 in the morning. Which means I should be there at 7:30. Right.

4. Every day starts for me at 8:00 this semester, with work. It's ok though, because it's a different motivation than a class. I really do like my job, even though I'm doing mindless things. Hopefully they like how I'm doing it ...

5. Over the past week and a half, I have had the strongest urge to pack up the Jeep and take off for a while. I don't know how long. And I also wonder a) how long it would take for people to notice and b) what would happen when they did.

6. I've wondered that since I was about six years old. And I'm not kidding.

7. Does being single mean you're a leper? I need to get out of the south, where unmarried women are socially unacceptable. It's a little insane.

8. I also think I'll be leaving the country after I graduate. The United States is not the cool place to be anymore. Before I make any money the government can take away, I might as well just high-tail it outta here in May 2011.

9. Maybe that's why I feel so far removed from everyone all the time. I haven't put out any roots here, because everything is so temporary. But then again, this silly thing called "life" is temporary. I should probably get over that yesterday as well.

10. I'm a vegetarian! It's been a month! And I don't think I've puffed up really, I have like a two-pound range I've been staying in. Sadly it's not going down, but At least it's not going up. I need to do better.

11. Vitamins have been helping me A TON this semester. I've taken them every day for something like three weeks, and I'm happier, energetic, and more even-tempered. Which is always a good thing.

12. No one likes a moody person. Does that mean that I have to be void of emotions other than the good ones?

13. I get it, I get it. "He's just not that into you" is the story of my life. I'm not expecting a text or a call or a message or anything. Kinda funny though. I want to track down and correct everyone who ever told me I would find my bestest friends in college and have lots of dates and be able to do whatever. Not true!

14. I have a vice.

15. I'm afraid of mummies. And I used to be scared of pregnant ladies, like whoa. Things that are human but don't look human freak me out! (See also: Blue Man Group. I though I was going to pass out!)

16. Charlotte's not so bad. Beats the crap outta Rock Hill. And if I could drive into town and see a show every single night of the week, I would.

17. Brass Quintet is my passion right now. I guess it's been for something like four (FOUR!) years, ever since I bought that Czech Brass CD on the CYSO European tour 05. And now I get to play in one for real again, and I couldn't be happier. Brass ensembles are the best thing since sliced bread.

18. I need to start doing this more regularly, it's rather comforting.

19. Who reads this stuff anyway?

20. I need to get a life.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


"How old are you?"

Why does it matter?
Can you believe it?
Do you think it should be different?
Why do I feel out of place?
Can we not see each other?
What would they think?
Who should care?
Haven't crazier things been done?
Am I doing what I'm supposed to?
Will this happen again?
When has this been an issue?
Why is this wrong?

It's not like I can change it.
Can it stop, please?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Welcome Back!

Well, dear reader, please let me apologize for not writing sooner. The catch phrase around here has been "it's soo crazy!" ... and it is. But that is no excuse. Here's a quick update about the stuff that happened between then and now.

First, Obamarama. Kudos. I hope the momentum sticks, people need something to hang onto in these truly insane economic times. But I don't feel like talking politics tonight.

The music building has been an interesting place to be these past few weeks. I'm in a wonderful, but odd place. I absolutely love what I'm doing and where I'm at, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm horribly out of place. "Relationships" with people who are, by definition, my superior have been tricky simply because they're miles out of my comfort zone. The lines change daily - making initial conversation bumbling and indirect until I find my ground and put my game face on. After that I'm safe (with most), and I'm getting better. I look forward to the challenge.

Next semester is going to be fabulous, in all honesty. I'll be taking a full course load, working on campus, and doing the church job. That's it! No crazy high school stuff, no sporadic schedule anywhere else. Classes start at 11:00 Monday, Wednesday, Friday! Tuesday/Thursday is 9:30 Theory (but it's my favorite class and my favorite professor so it's all good). I can actually work out in the morning and have a set practice routine. Thank goodness. I might actually have my sanity this time next semester!

I cleaned everything today. It's very nice to live in such a small space - I can do a top-to-bottom scrub of the entire place in just a day. House keeping has become a therapeutic activity for me, even though I used to resent every minute of it as a kid. It is unbelievably calming to take a day off, turn on some good music, and move everything, clean it, vacuum the floor, and put it all back perfectly. mmmm.

Thursday was the last night of its kind. Time to get back into my usual character - the one who cares about grades, punctuality, etiquette, and presentation. I am a good kid, I am. I just need to get my act together from the past couple of weeks and nail all of my finals.

That being said, I should go to bed. I have to sing in the morning!

This has been fun. I promise it'll happen again. :D

Sunday, October 5, 2008

No Complaints

I'm not complaining. I'm really not. But, I just want to "put it out there" so if anyone cares, they'll know what a week looks like for me. Here it goes:

8:00 AM French.
Business Admin
Horn Lesson

8:00 AM French.
Dutchman Creek MS
American Government
(work, practice, apts, whatever.)
Marching Band

8:00 AM French.
Business Admin

8:00 AM French.
Piano Lesson
American Government

Business Admin


Sing/Play at church.

If I look like I'm going to fall apart, that's why. But it's all self-induced, and it's really not thaaat bad. But srsly y'all, you can bet this won't be happening again.

Sunday night, let the games begin!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


All of a sudden, I am happy to be a red-head. We will be extinct by 2050 ... be glad you know one!

Immortal Beloved is a beautiful movie. With only a glass of white zinn, I watched it for the first time this evening and thoroughly enjoyed it. People don't feel things like the used to it seems - love is just "something that happens" instead of two souls bound, two matching minds, from the beginning.

Here's the latest on the major change, from the most indecisive of them all. BA Music, BA Economics (and if I can squeeze in a minor in Political Science, I'll be thrilled!). Not being a music major is not an option. It didn't take long to figure that out - one month of feeling out of the loop and I felt dead. I am a music person who happens to be interested in business; that music department is my family, even if they don't know it.

POLITICS OMG. Without getting too personal, what the heck is going on? I don't know exactly how I feel about the Rescue(BAILOUT)Plan, other than it sets a frightening precedent that goes against most everything our free-market, capitalist, meritocratic system has stood for. As for the candidates, they're a rather entertaining bunch.

I feel inspired to become more active in the political sphere. Maybe being an elected official would be fun, but maybe being an advisor would be a safer route. But man oh man, things need to change and people need to get it together. I would jump at the opportunity to be part of that when I'm a little older and a bit wiser.

Let's see ... work is good, school is fine, I'm bad at French, miss my dog, and probably should sleep more. No complaints.

Time to go to sleep and listen to my new Jeff Buckley CD. More cohesive thoughts later.

Friday, September 5, 2008

life in general at 3:14 AM

You know those goofy people that write what they have to say, but don't say who it's to? I'm one of them. I have random ideas at this time of day. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.

Even though your major is ridiculous, you are the bestest friend in the whole entire world. I wish you were here, or that we could just drive around and listen to our favorite music and be happy and talk about how awesome things in general are. Hopefully we won't be so far away next year. I miss you SO much!

You guys are pretty cool. Yes, it's true that we have our different beliefs (to say the least), but our relationship is special, unique, and rare. Though it hasn't been easy, I know that distance has made us closer. I can't tell you all how much it means that we can still talk about things, even if it's just general "stuff" now. You all have been the standard of awesome in my life, and that certainly isn't going to change! If only if only.

I don't know who I'm going for, but I think I know who's going to win. I want a law degree pronto so I can go be part of the movers and the shakers in DC. I know we can DO BETTER.

It'd be nice to see you every now and then, but I know you've got better things to do than see me. I'm not being sarcastic, I just hope you're content. So sorry to bother you on Mondays.

I am happy I am happy I am happy I am happy as a business major. Am I saying it for everyone to hear? Do I know what I'm getting in to? Does anyone in that building actually care? So many people have come and gone, I am just a check, a ten-minute meeting, a signature, and a goodbye. Nothing more, nothing less.

I do not have a clue as to what will happen in the next twelve months. If all goes according to plan, I will continue breathing. That is all I know for certain. But that's a start, right?

Time for bed. Enjoy the rambles.

"If only, if only, the woodpecker sighs, the bark on the tree was as soft as the skies. The wolf waits below, hungry and lonely, And cries to the moon, if only, if only.”